Do accountants do bookkeeping?

By | June 12, 2023

Accountants role in bookkeeping

Do accountants do bookkeeping

Yes, accountants can perform bookkeeping tasks as part of their responsibilities. While bookkeeping and accounting are distinct roles, there can be overlap between the two. Accountants have the knowledge and skills to handle bookkeeping tasks, but their expertise extends beyond basic record-keeping.

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In some cases, accountant may choose to handle bookkeeping themselves, especially in small businesses or for clients who require comprehensive financial services. However, in larger organizations or more complex financial situations, accountant may delegate bookkeeping tasks to dedicated bookkeepers or accounting staff.

Regardless of whether accountant personally handle book-keeping or delegate it, they rely on accurate and well-maintained financial records to perform their higher-level accounting functions, such as financial analysis, reporting, tax planning, and strategic decision-making.

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