Differences between 15CA and 15CB?

By | June 13, 2023

Differences between 15CA and 15CBDifferences between 15CA and 15CB


Differences between 15CA and 15CB, The main differences between 15CA and 15CB lies in their purpose and the entities responsible for their issuance.

Here’s a breakdown of the differences between 15CA and 15CB the two forms:

Form 15CA:


Form 15CA is a declaration form that individuals or entities making remittances to non-residents need to fill out. It provides information about the remittance being made and helps ensure compliance with Indian tax regulations.


It is a self-declaration form fill out by the remitter (person making the payment) to provide details such as the nature of the transaction, the amount being remit, and the applicable tax provisions.


Form 15CA is an online form that needs to be fill out electronically on the official Income Tax Department e-filing website.


It includes various predefined categories based on the purpose of the remittance. The appropriate category needs to be select base on the nature of the transaction.


The remitter needs to retain a copy of the submitted Form 15CA as proof of the declaration made.


Form 15CB:


Form 15CB is a certificate issue by a Chartered Accountant (CA) to certify that the remittance being made to a non-resident is in compliance with the provisions of the Income Tax Act and relevant Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAAs).


It is issue by a CA after examining the transaction, verifying tax compliance, and ensuring the appropriateness of the remittance.


The form includes various sections where the CA provides details about the remitter, remittee, nature of the transaction, taxability, tax rates, and the relevant sections of the Income Tax Act or DTAAs.


Form 15CB is not file directly by the remitter but is provide to the remitter by the CA. The remitter retains the Form 15CB and submits it as part of the documentation require by the authorized dealer (usually the bank) for making the remittance.


In summary, Form 15CA is a self-declaration form that the remitter fills out to provide details of the remittance.

While Form 15CB is a certificate issue by a CA to certify the compliance of the remittance with tax regulations. Both forms are often require for certain international transactions involving the transfer of money to non-resident individuals or entities, but they serve different purposes and are fill out or issue by different entities.


To visit: https://www.incometax.gov.in



1.What is Form 15CA?

Answer: Form 15CA is a declaration by a person making a payment to a non-resident, indicating whether the payment is taxable under the Income Tax Act.

2. What is Form 15CB?

Answer: Form 15CB is a certificate issue by a Chartered Accountant (CA) to ensure that the payment made to a non-resident is in accordance with Indian tax laws.

3. When is Form 15CA require?

Answer: Form 15CA is required when making payments to non-residents, whether the income is taxable in India or not.

4. When is Form 15CB require?

Answer: Form 15CB is require when the payment exceeds ₹5 lakh, and it helps verify the tax liability on the payment.

5. Is Form 15CA always mandatory?

Answer: Yes, Form 15CA is mandatory for payments made to non-residents, except for those listed under specific exemptions.

6. Is Form 15CB always mandatory?

Answer: No, Form 15CB is not always require. It is mandatory only for payments exceeding ₹5 lakh or in cases where the bank demands a CA certificate.

7. Who fills out Form 15CA?

Answer: Form 15CA is fill out by the person or entity making the payment to a non-resident.

8. Who issues Form 15CB?

Answer: Form 15CB is issue by a Chartered Accountant after reviewing the tax implications of the payment.

9. What is the purpose of Form 15CA?

Answer: The purpose of Form 15CA is to inform the tax authorities about payments made to non-residents and whether those payments are subject to tax in India.

10. What is the purpose of Form 15CB?

Answer: The purpose of Form 15CB is to certify the details of the payment, tax rate, and compliance with tax laws, ensuring that the right amount of tax is deduct.




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