Death of Karta in HUF: When karta of HUF dies ?

By | June 13, 2023

Death of Karta in HUF

Death of Karta in HUF

When the Karta of an Hindu Undivided Family passes away, the HUF continues its existence, and the responsibility of the Karta is assumed by the next senior male member of the family. The seniority determine based on the rules of succession within the family. Here are some key points to consider when death of karta in HUF happen.:

Succession of Karta:

Upon the death of the Karta, the next senior male member in the family becomes the new Karta of the HUF. This seniority typically based on factors such as age, lineage, and position within the family hierarchy.

Role and Responsibilities:

The new Karta assumes the role and responsibilities of managing the affairs of the HUF, including the administration of joint family assets, making financial decisions, representing the HUF in legal matters, and ensuring the welfare of the family members.

Continuity of HUF:

The death of the Karta does not lead to the dissolution of the HUF. The HUF continues to exist as a separate legal entity, and the assets and liabilities of the HUF are transferred to the new Karta.

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Change in HUF’s PAN and other registrations:

In the event of the Karta’s death, it may be necessary to update the HUF’s PAN (Permanent Account Number) and other registrations to reflect the new Karta’s details. This ensures the smooth continuation of the HUF’s financial and tax-related activities.

However, It’s important to note that the rules and customs related to the succession of Karta and the functioning of HUF may vary based on regional practices and applicable laws. So, Consulting with a legal professional or chartered accountant familiar with HUF matters can provide guidance specific to your situation and help navigate the legal and administrative procedures involved. 

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