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How are credit sales and accounts receivable managed in the account finalization process?

Credit sales Management


Credit sales Management are sales made to customers on credit, meaning that the customer is not required to pay for the goods or services immediately.

Accounts receivable are the outstanding balances owed to the business by customers who have made credit purchases.

The account finalization process is the process of collecting payments from customers and closing out their accounts.

This process typically involves the following steps:

1. Sending invoices to customers:

The first step is to send invoices to customers for the goods or services that they have purchased on credit. The invoice should include the customer’s name, address, purchase date, amount due, and payment terms.

2. Tracking payments:

The business should track payments received from customers. This can be done manually or using a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

3. Making follow-up calls:

If a customer does not pay their invoice on time, the business should make follow-up calls to remind them of the payment. Credit Sales Management

4. Recording collections:

When a customer makes a payment, the business should record the collection in their accounting system.

5. Closing out accounts:

Once a customer has paid their balance in full, their account should be closed out. This can be done by marking the account as “paid” in the accounting system.


The account finalization process is an important part of managing credit sales and accounts receivable. By following these steps, businesses can ensure that they collect payments from customers in a timely manner and avoid bad debt.


Here are some additional tips for managing credit sales and accounts receivable:

1. Establish clear credit terms:

The business should establish clear credit terms with their customers, such as the payment due date and any late payment fees.

2. Perform credit checks:

The business should perform credit checks on their customers before extending credit. This will help to reduce the risk of bad debt.

3. Set up a system for tracking payments:

The business should set up a system for tracking payments from customers. This will help to ensure that payments are not missed.Credit Sales Management

4. Make follow-up calls:

If a customer does not pay their invoice on time, the business should make follow-up calls to remind them of the payment.

5. Be patient but persistent:

It is important to be patient but persistent when collecting payments from customers. The business should not give up easily if a customer does not pay their invoice on time.

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