Can OPC to charitable company?

By | June 12, 2023

Charitable companyCharitable Company


Review Legal Requirements:

Understand the legal requirements and regulations for establishing and operating a charitable companies in your jurisdiction. Familiarize yourself with the laws governing charitable organizations, including any specific requirements for formation and registration.

Amend Memorandum and Articles of Association:

The Memorandum and Articles of Association of the OPC would need to be amended to reflect the new charitable purpose and comply with the legal requirements for a charitable company. Consult with legal professionals to ensure the necessary amendments are made correctly.

Define Charitable Objectives:

Clearly define the charitable objectives that the company intends to pursue. These objectives should align with the recognized charitable purposes under the applicable laws, such as the promotion of education, relief of poverty, advancement of religion, or any other charitable cause.

Governance Structure:

Establish a suitable governance structure for the charitable company, including the composition of the board of directors or trustees. Ensure compliance with any specific requirements for the appointment and functioning of directors or trustees of charitable organizations.

Register as a Charitable Company:

Prepare and submit the required documentation to the appropriate regulatory authority or charity commission in your jurisdiction to register the OPC as a charitable company. This may involve providing information about the company’s objectives, governance structure, key personnel, and financial details.

Compliance with Charitable Regulations:

Understand and comply with the ongoing reporting and compliance requirements for charitable companies. This may include filing annual reports, financial statements, and other disclosures as required by the regulatory authority overseeing charitable organizations.

Tax Exemptions and Benefits:

Explore and understand the tax exemptions and benefits available to charitable companies in your jurisdiction. Seek professional advice on how to optimize tax advantages and ensure compliance with tax laws applicable to charitable organizations.


It is crucial to consult with legal and financial professionals specializing in charity law and regulations in your jurisdiction to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and to guide you through the specific process of converting an OPC to a Charitable Company. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific circumstances and the applicable laws in your country.


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1.Can an OPC be converted into a charitable company?

Answer: Yes, an OPC can be convert into a charitable company, provided it meets the necessary legal requirements.

2. What is a charitable company?

Answer: A charitable company is a nonprofit organization established for charitable purposes, such as education, relief, or promotion of social welfare.

3. What are the eligibility criteria for conversion?

Answer: The OPC must ensure that its objectives align with charitable purposes and comply with the provisions of the Companies Act.

4. What is the process for conversion?

Answer: The process involves drafting a new Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) reflecting the charitable objectives and filing necessary forms with the Registrar of Companies.

5. Are there any specific documents needed for conversion?

Answer: Yes, required documents may include the existing MOA, AOA, new MOA/AOA, a declaration of charitable objectives, and any additional forms required by the Registrar.

6. Is there a need for approval from members?

Answer: Yes, approval from the sole member (or director) of the OPC is need to initiate the conversion process.

7. Can an OPC retain its assets during conversion?

Answer: Yes, the assets of the OPC can be retain during the conversion, but they must be use for charitable purposes after conversion.

8. What are the tax implications of converting to a charitable company?

Answer: Charitable companies can benefit from tax exemptions under certain conditions, but they must apply for registration under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act.

9. What happens to existing liabilities after conversion?

Answer: The liabilities of the OPC remain intact and must be settle by the newly form charitable company.

10. Can the charitable company generate income?

Answer: Yes, a charitable company can generate income through donations, grants, or specific activities, but it must use the income solely for charitable purposes.

How to convert an OPC into a Private Limited Company | RegisterKaro


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