What is fund Utilization Certificate?

By | June 14, 2023

Fund Utilization Certificate

 Certificate of Fund Utilization


A fund utilization certificate is a document that provides information on how funds received from a particular source or organization have been utilized. It serves as a financial statement that demonstrates the proper allocation and utilization of funds for the intended purpose.

The certificate is typically issue by the recipient of the funds, such as an organization, institution, or project, to the funding source or donor.

The fund utilization certificate typically includes the following information:

1. Recipient Details:

The name, address, and contact information of the organization or individual who received the funds.

2. Funding Source Details:

The name, address, and contact information of the organization or individual providing the funds.

3. Fund Allocation:

A breakdown of the funds received, specifying the amount and the purpose for which the funds were allocate. This may include project expenses, operational costs, capital investments, research activities, or any other authorized expenditure.


The period during which the funds were utilized, including the start and end dates of the project or funding period.

5. Supporting Documents:

Any relevant supporting documents, such as receipts, invoices, financial statements, or project reports, that validate the utilization of the funds.

6. Authorized Signatory:

The signature and designation of an authorized representative from the recipient organization who certifies the accuracy and legitimacy of the fund utilization.


The fund utilization certificate serves as a formal acknowledgment to the funding source that the funds were utilize as intend and in accordance with any agreed-upon terms or conditions. It provides transparency, accountability, and assurance to the funding source regarding the appropriate use of their funds.


To visit: https://www.mca.gov.in




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