Category Archives: HUF

Is HUF a company?

What is an HUF? A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a legal entity in India that consists of family members who are lineal descendants of a common ancestor. The head of the family, often the eldest male member, is called the Karta, and the other members are known as coparceners. HUFs are recognized under the… Read More »

HUF is a body corporate?

HUF is a Body Corporate   HUF (Hindu Undivided Family) is not considered a body corporate. In legal terms, a body corporate typically refers to a legal entity created by law, such as a corporation, company, or organization, which has its own separate legal personality distinct from its individual members. An HUF, on the other… Read More »

is HUF liable for Tax?

HUF for Tax   A Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) can be a tax-efficient entity in India. Here are some key points regarding tax planning and benefits for an HUF: Separate Tax Entity: An HUF is treated as a separate tax entity for income tax purposes. It has its own PAN (Permanent Account Number) and files… Read More »

Can HUF become partner in LLP ?

Can HUF become partner in LLP No, it is not possible for a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) to assume the role of a partner in a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).  According to the provisions of the Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 in India, only individuals or other LLPs can become partners in an LLP. An… Read More »

Will of HUF property?

HUF Property The distribution of Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) property is typically governed by the personal laws and customs of the family. The division of Hindu Undivided Family property usually occurs in the following situations: Partition: If the HUF decides to partition its assets, the property can be divided among the members of the family.… Read More »

Q3.142 Current Account Of HUF: huf can open current account

Current Account Of HUF Current Account Of HUF Website link Current Account Of HUF: To open a current account, you typically need to follow these steps: Choose a Bank: Research different banks and compare their offerings, such as fees, services, and locations, to find the one that suits your requirements. Compile the Essential Documents: Assemble… Read More »

Can HUF earn Commission Income?

    Can HUF earn Commission Income Yes, a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) can earn commission income. HUFs, as a separate legal entity under Indian tax laws, can engage in various income-generating activities, including earning It can earn through various activities, such as acting as an agent or intermediary in facilitating transactions or providing services for… Read More »

Can HUF invest in NSC?

HUF Invest in NSC Yes, a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) in India can invest in National Savings Certificates (NSC). NSC is a popular investment option offered by the Indian government. It is a fixed-income investment scheme that allows individuals and HUFs to invest and earn interest over a specified period. For more information to visit:… Read More »

Can HUF open NPS account?

What is an NPS Account? NPS is a long-term, voluntary retirement savings scheme managed by the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA). Under NPS, subscribers can make regular contributions to build a retirement corpus. Upon reaching the age of retirement (60 years), they can withdraw a portion of the accumulated savings as a lump… Read More »