Category Archives: Bookkeeping and Accounting

Deductions of ITR filling for Freelancers

Deductions of ITR filling for Freelancers In India can avail of several tax Deductions of ITR filling for Freelancers. These deductions help reduce the taxable income, leading to lower tax liability.   Here are some key deductions available: 1. Business Expenses: Freelancers can claim deductions for business-related expenses incurred during their work. This includes costs… Read More »

What compliance measures should Automotive Repair Services follow to avoid tax audit issues?

Tax Compliance of Automotive Repair Services   Tax Compliance of Automotive repair services in India need to adhere to certain compliance measures to avoid tax audit issues. These measures help ensure accurate reporting and minimize the risk of tax-related problems. 1. Maintaining Proper Records and Documentation: One of the key compliance measures is to maintain… Read More »

How do you categorize revenue from computer sales versus revenue from services in your financial records?

Business Accounting Insights   Business Accounting Insights categorizing revenue from computer sales versus revenue from services in your financial records is crucial for accurate financial reporting and analysis. Proper categorization helps you understand the sources of your income and make informed business decisions. Here’s how you can categorize these types of revenue: Computer Sales Revenue:… Read More »

What are the key financial transactions that a Architectural, Engineering and Surveying Services should record in Bookkeeping?

Architectural Engineering and Surveying Services   Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying Services in India should accurately record several key financial transactions in their bookkeeping to maintain proper financial records and ensure compliance. Some essential transactions include: 1. Income from Services Rendered: Record all income received from architectural, engineering, and surveying services provided to clients. This includes… Read More »

Is bookkeeping mandatory and any limit for starting for the hospitals?

Bookkeeping for Hospitals   Yes, bookkeeping is mandatory for hospitals in India. Bookkeeping involves maintaining accurate and organized financial records of all transactions and activities related to the hospital’s finances. This includes income, expenses, purchases, sales, payroll, and other financial transactions. Proper bookkeeping ensures transparency, accountability, and helps in making informed financial decisions. There is… Read More »