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Is drafting balance sheet mandatory for Mall Owners?

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BalanceSheet for MallOwners

Yes, BalanceSheet for MallOwners mandatory in India, as per the accounting and financial reporting requirements outlined in the Companies Act, 2013.

A balance sheet serves as a vital financial statement, offering a momentary glimpse into the financial standing of a company at a particular juncture.

It presents a summary of a company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity, showcasing how its resources are finance.

Mall owners, whether operating as companies or other legal entities, are required to maintain proper books of accounts and prepare financial statements, including a balance sheet, at the end of each financial year.

This is essential for maintaining transparency, facilitating financial analysis, and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory frameworks.

The balance sheet reflects the mall’s assets, such as properties and investments, liabilities such as loans and payables, and equity, which represents the ownership interest.

It provides stakeholders, including investors, creditors, and regulatory authorities, with valuable insights into the mall’s financial health and performance.

In summary, drafting a balance sheet is a crucial component of the mandatory accounting and financial reporting requirements for mall owners in India, ensuring transparency, accountability, and compliance with the law.

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