What is the threshold limit of Statutory audit due date for Architectural, Engineering and Surveying Services?

By | August 29, 2023

Audit Dedline for Architectural

Audit Dedline for Architectural


The threshold limit of statutory audit dedline for Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying Services in India depends on the annual turnover of the business.

Businesses that fall under the category of Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying Services are require to get their accounts audited if their annual turnover exceeds Rs. 1 crore.

This means that if your business’s annual turnover is equal to or higher than Rs. 1 crore, you are obligate to undergo a statutory audit.

To visit: https://www.mca.gov.in/

The due date for the statutory audit can vary based on the financial year of the business. Typically, the audit needs to be complete before the income tax return filing due date, which is usually on or before September 30th of the assessment year.


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