Q16.13 What is audit and assurance in accounting ?

By | June 9, 2023

Audit and Assurance in Accounting

Audit and Assurance in Accounting: Audit and assurance are two important components of accounting that provide confidence and credibility to financial information.

Audit: An audit is an independent examination of an organization’s financial statements, systems, processes, and controls to ensure that they are accurate, complete, and in compliance with applicable accounting standards and regulations.The primary goal of an audit is to offer an assessment concerning the equity and dependability of the financial statements.Audits are commonly performed by external auditors who maintain impartiality and independence from the organization undergoing the audit process.The audit process involves assessing risks, performing audit procedures, and issuing an audit report.

Assurance: Assurance services, on the other hand, encompass a broader range of engagements beyond financial statement audits. Assurance services provide an independent and objective assessment of various aspects of an organization’s operations, controls, and processes. The objective of assurance services is to enhance the reliability and credibility of information, provide confidence to stakeholders, and improve the decision-making process. Examples of assurance services include review engagements, agreed-upon procedures engagements, and internal control assessments.

In summary, Audit and Assurance in Accounting: audit specifically refers to the examination of financial statements, while assurance encompasses a wider scope of engagements aimed at providing confidence in various aspects of an organization’s operations. Both audit and assurance are essential in maintaining the trustworthiness and dependability of financial information.


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