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What documents are essential for the accounts finalization of construction project?

AccountsFinalization of ConstructionProject


Yes, here are the essential documents for the AccountsFinalization of ConstructionProject:

1. Construction contract:

This is the legally binding agreement between the owner and the contractor. It outlines the scope of work, the payment terms, and the responsibilities of each party.

2. Change orders:

Any changes to the original scope of work must be document in change orders. This ensures that there is a clear understanding of what work is being done and how much it will cost.

3. Invoices:

Invoices should be submit by the contractor on a regular basis to track the progress of the project and to ensure that payments are make on time.

4. Payment certificates:

Payment certificates issued by the owner to the contractor to authorize payment for the work that has been complete.

5. Final account:

The final account is a summary of all the costs incurred on the project, including the contractor’s fees, materials, and labor. It used to determine the final amount due to the contractor.

6. As-built drawings:

As-built drawings updated drawings that reflect the actual construction of the project. They used for future reference and maintenance.

7. Final inspection report:

The final inspection report is a document that records the condition of the project at the time of completion. It is use to identify any defects that need to be correct.

8. Certificate of completion:

The certificate of completion is a document that issued by the owner to the contractor to certify that the project has been complete in accordance with the contract.

In addition to these essential documents, there may be other documents that required depending on the specific project. For example, if the project involves government funding, there may be additional documentation required by the government agency.

It is important to keep all of these documents organized and up-to-date throughout the construction process. This will help to ensure that the final account is accurate and that there are no disputes between the owner and the contractor.

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