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Are there any threshold limit of account finalization for Diagnostic Centre?

Account Finalization for Diagnostic Centers


There is a threshold limit of Account finalization for diagnostic centers in India.

The limit is set by the National Insurance Company (NIC) and is currently Rs. 50,000. This means that any diagnostic bill below Rs. 50,000 must be finalize within 15 days of submission. Bills above Rs. 50,000 must be finalized within 30 days of submission.

The NIC has set this threshold limit in order to ensure that diagnostic centers do not delay in finalizing bills, which can cause financial hardship for patients.

The NIC also believes that this limit will help to improve the efficiency of the claims settlement process.

If a diagnostic center fails to finalize a bill within the stipulate time limit, the NIC may impose a penalty on the center. The amount of the penalty will depend on the severity of the delay.

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Here are the steps involve in the account finalization for diagnostic centers in India:

1. The diagnostic center submits the bill to the NIC.

2. The NIC verifies the bill and ensures that it is complete and accurate.

3. The NIC sends the bill to the insurance company for approval.

4. The insurance company approves or rejects the bill.

5. If the bill is approve, the NIC releases the funds to the diagnostic center.


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