Turnover Certificate for Tender?

By | June 14, 2023

Turnover Certificate For Tender

TurnoverCertificate For Tender


A turnover certificate for a tender is a document that provides information about the financial turnover or revenue generated by a company or organization.

It is typically required as part of the tendering process to assess the financial capacity and capability of the company to undertake the project or contract.

The format and specific requirements for a turnover certificate for a tender may vary depending on the organization or agency issuing the tender.

However, it generally includes the following information:

1. Company Information:

The certificate includes the name, address, contact details, and other identifying information of the company or organization.

2. Financial Year:

It specifies the fiscal year for which the turnover certificate is being issue. This is usually the most recent completed financial year.

3. Turnover Details:

The certificate provides the total turnover or revenue generated by the company during the specified financial year.

It may include details such as gross sales, net sales, or any other relevant revenue figures required by the tendering organization.

4. Certification and Signatures:

The certificate typically issued and certified by a responsible authority within the company, such as the managing director, chief financial officer, or a qualified accountant. Their signature and date authenticate the accuracy of the turnover information provided.

5. Additional Information:

Depending on the specific requirements of the tender.

The certificate may include any additional information or disclosures necessary to demonstrate the financial capacity and experience of the company.

It’s important to carefully review the tender documentation and guidelines provided by the tendering organization to ensure that the turnover certificate meets their specific requirements.

Adhering to their formatting instructions and including all the requested information accurately will help demonstrate the financial viability and eligibility of the company for the tender.

If in doubt, it is advisable to consult with the tendering organization or seek professional guidance to ensure compliance with their specific requirements.

To visit: https://www.mca.gov.in/





1. Why is a Turnover Certificate require for tenders?

Ans: It is required to demonstrate a company’s financial capability and stability, showing that it has sufficient experience and resources to undertake the project.

2. Who issues the Turnover Certificate?

Ans: A certified public accountant or chartered accountant (CA) issues the Turnover Certificate.

3. What information is include in the Turnover Certificate?

Ans: The certificate includes the total turnover amount, the period covered, the auditor’s details, and sometimes a breakdown of sales.

4 How is turnover calculate?

Ans: Turnover is calculate by summing up all sales revenue generated by the business during the specified period, excluding any taxes or discounts.

5. Is there a standard format for a Turnover Certificate?

Ans: While there’s no universal format, it generally follows a professional layout including the auditor’s letterhead, signature, and seal.

6. Do I need to submit a Turnover Certificate for every tender?

Ans: Not always. It depends on the specific requirements of the tendering authority. Always check the tender documents.

7. How recent should the Turnover Certificate be?

Ans: Typically, it should be for the most recent financial year, but some tenders may specify a different time frame.

8. Can I use the same Turnover Certificate for multiple tenders?

Ans: Yes, you can use the same certificate for multiple tenders, as long as it meets the requirements for each tender.

9. What happens if I don’t submit a Turnover Certificate?

Ans: Failing to submit a Turnover Certificate may lead to disqualification from the tender process, as it is often a mandatory requirement to assess financial credibility.


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