How to get turnover certificate

By | June 14, 2023

    Getting Turnover Certificate

    Getting Turnover Certificate


 Getting turnover certificate, you generally need to follow these steps:

1.Identify the Issuing Authority:

Determine the authority or entity that can issue the turnover certificate. This could be your company’s finance department, an accountant, auditor, or any other designated personnel responsible for financial reporting.

2.Request the Certificate:

Contact the appropriate authority or individual and request turnover certificates. Provide them with the specific details regarding the purpose, time period, and any other requirements or information needed for the certificate.

3.Provide Supporting Documents:

If there are any supporting documents or information required to generate the turnover certificates, gather and submit them to the issuing authority.

This could include financial statements, sales records, revenue reports, or any other relevant documents.

4.Review and Verification:

The issuing authority will review the provided information, perform necessary calculations, and verify the accuracy of the turnover figures. They may conduct internal checks or consult additional resources to ensure the integrity of the information provided.

5.Certificate Issuance:

Once the verification process is completed, the issuing authority will prepare the turnover certificates. The certificate will include details such as the company’s name, address, the specified time period, and the turnover figure for that period. It may also include any additional information or disclosures deemed necessary.

6.Delivery or Distribution:

It will be delivered to you or the designated recipient, depending on the requirements. It may be provided as a physical document or a digitally signed certificate, depending on the issuing authority’s practices.

It’s important to note that Getting Turnover Certificate, the specific procedures for obtaining a turnover certificate may vary depending on the organization, industry, and jurisdiction.

It is advisable to consult with the relevant authority or seek guidance from a qualified professional, such as an accountant or legal advisor, to ensure compliance with any specific regulations or guidelines that apply to your situation.


1. When do you file Form 15CA and 15CB?

You file them when making taxable foreign remittances from India under the Income Tax Act, 1961.

2. Do you need Form 15CA/CB for transferring money between NRE and NRO accounts?

No, you don’t need these forms for transferring money between NRE and NRO accounts.

3. Do you need Form 15CA/CB for personal gifts or maintenance payments abroad?

No, you don’t need these forms for personal gifts or maintenance payments that aren’t taxable.

4. Do remittances to Nepal and Bhutan require Form 15CA/CB?

No, you don’t file these forms for remittances to Nepal and Bhutan.

5. Do you need Form 15CA/CB for paying for imports?

No, you don’t need to file these forms for import payments.

6. Should you file Form 15CA/CB when receiving refunds from abroad?

No, you don’t need to file these forms for receiving refunds from abroad.

7. Do you need Form 15CA/CB for domestic bank transfers?

No, you don’t need these forms for transfers within India.

8. Do government payments to foreign companies require Form 15CA/CB?

No, you don’t need these forms for government payments to foreign entities.

9. Do you file Form 15CA/CB for educational remittances abroad?

No, you don’t file these forms for educational remittances.

10. Do you need Form 15CA/CB for repatriating foreign investment returns?

No, you don’t need these forms for repatriating foreign investment under FEMA guidelines.


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